WIW : Winter Has Arrived!

Hi Fabbers,

Yay, it appears we have almost bypassed Autumn and Winter has arrived a few days early... and I couldn't be happier lol.

So as you may have guessed, more black layers and how exciting to be getting the boots out finally :)

Wore this to the shop today for work so it's all Motto.  My favourite skirted leggings from last year, jersey cami and twist top from the current range. The top as you can see twists at the front but it's long and tunic like at the back (see #3).

The necklace is new and is from a Canberra based designer, House of Poly, https://houseofpoly.com who works with polymer clay.   I have got to know her a little and she is just gorgeous and I really like her work.  I fell in love with the necklace and have found it works with almost everything and adds a lovely touch of 'light' to my all black.

Thanks for looking.  Feedback, suggestions for improvement or other styling thoughts much appreciated. 

xxx Deborah


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WIW: Cropped Pants & Layers

I loved Angie's post on cropped pants:). Mine are not as cropped but for some reason this is the length that I like on me:). Still gives me a variety of shoe choices.

Wearing cropped pants, long asymmetric tunic and shorter Waterfall jacket. The flats have been de-orphaned after purchasing them at a YLF meet up and not wearing them;).

Master 13 snapped this on my phone before church this morning.

Bonus shot of Ninja who has now been with us for about 5 weeks. I am so surprised at how much I adore her. She is a lovely companion, and much more social and affectionate than I expected from a cat.

Hope you are having a lovely weekend.



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WIW : Is it a skirt or a top ;)

Hi Ladies,

Another couple of pics of my skirt but this time worn as a top.  I was a little skeptical but the fit is quite good and I liked the softness the draped panel added to a harder edge black look.  

Jacket / Peter Morrissey
Top / Zippy Skirts
Skinny Pants / Katies
Boots / Aldi

What do you think?  I felt a little insecure wearing a strapless top but the band is quite firm and thankfully I did not fall victim to any wardrobe mulfunctions ;)

Thanks for looking


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Questioning just how much to buy for Winter

Hi Ladies,

Here in Oz, we have been experiencing warm weather since Sept/Nov.
We are now in Autumn and while we have had some cool days, today was back up to 20 degrees and I found myself in white ankle jeans and sandals... again!

Autumn/Winter is my preferred season fashion wise but with Winter only weeks away, I am feeling I might just need to be a little conservative with my purchases as it's likely that winter clothing may only be required for a very short period - maybe 3 or 4 months (if I am lucky) 

I have bought a few things specifically for Winter but they are hanging in my closet feeling a little unloved:(  I just bought the jacket/coat in #1/2 and may have to turn the aircon on in the house and wear it at home lol

Is the weather weird like this everywhere?  I have heard some of you in the Northern Hemisphere saying it's hasn't warmed up yet for you.  Has it impacted your shopping?

xxx Deborah


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WIW : Seasonally Confused:)

Hi Fabbers,

Our weather is all over the place, no consistency at all:) My outfit may seem a little seasonally confused but it was right for today. Covered arms but peep toes!!

These pants have quickly become go to pants for me, I am really enjoying wearing them.

Teamed them with a Bell Top, and Long Sleek Cardigan today for work at the store.

#2 was me playing around with some photo ideas with some flowers my lovely DH bought me this week ... an early Mothers Day gift he said :) I loved that he got the blue. They are dyed. The only thing better would have been black lol

Thanks for looking. Suggestions, styling ideas always very much appreciated.

xxx Deborah


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WIW : A Zippy Skirt:)

Happy Monday everyone!

I came across a local designer recently on Instagram who has created what she calls a 'travel skirt'.  The idea being that if you are travelling for work, this is the only skirt you need to take and you build your outfits around it.  I thought it was a clever idea and I was keen to try it out.  It's always cool to see what local independent designers are doing.

The skirt has a zip running horizontally across the front of the skirt that is hidden by the folded waistband.  There are then number of 'panels' that can zip onto the skirt to create different looks, along with a pouch for travelling.

This was my first wearing, and I have worn it simply as a short straight skirt (no panel) over leggings to do some running around.  Thankfully it is cooling down here (finally) and I was able to wear a jacket too.

And look at me getting more and more daring everyday.  Another set of pics taken outdoors, in front of my garage door.  I worry the neighbors are going to think I'm mad taking photos of myself lol.

Thanks for looking.
xxx Deborah


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