WIW: As the holidays come to a close

Hi Lovely Ladies,

Well my holidays (and Master 11's) are coming to a close.  We are back at school and work this coming Monday :( 

Today, #1 - #3, I had a volunteer morning tea for my volunteers at the Community Meal and wore a midi tube skirt, draped grey sleeveless top and Metalicus vest.  I have mostly been wearing this vest as a dress and think this is only the first or second time wearing as an actually vest.  I cannot wait for the cooler weather as I think this vest is going to get lots of wear.  It's a wool blend and will work across all seasons.

Yesterday Master 11 and I went to catch our last movie of the holidays (got to love $10.00 Tuesdays) and went to the cinema to see the new Australian movie, Paper Planes.  It was wonderful.  Mum got caught crying in a movie... again!   For comfort, #4 - #6 , I wore my Urban Outfitters harem leggings, asymmetric white sleeveless top and a new vest / dress.  It has a centre zip and can be zipped and worn as a dress, or open as a drapey vest :)

Also wearing new black glass beads (2 strands)  Been looking for black beads for ages, primarily to wear with black tops (black on black - surprise) - ever since I saw a very cool photo on Pinterst -  and found them at a market on Australia Day:)

Any suggestions for improvement etc very much appreciated. 

Oh and if you can think of any good excuses for not going back to work Monday...  do share... I have seriously enjoyed being away from work!!

xxx Deborah


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A New Style Inspiration

Browsing my Pinterest feed, I came across some pictures of this gorgeous and stylish woman. Upon investigation it appears her name is Ruth and she owns a lifestyle and clothing store in Norway. She has a blog and I think a lot of what she wears may be to promote the range in her store, but my goodness she looks fab.

She wears grey like nobody's business, clearly has a passion for scarves, and I want her hair!!

Just thought I would share.

xxx Deborah


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WIW : Fade to Grey

Hi Fabbers,

I mentioned in a post early in the month that DH and I were making changes to our diet for our health, well being and weight, and we are progressing well and starting to see changes:)

Due to those changes, I got to wear this grey skirt for the first time.  It fitted before but was really too firm around the tummy to be comfortable.  Slipped it on today and the fit is much better. 

The skirt is by a brand I was not familiar with called Kondo Tricot.  Upon doing some research I think they are responsible for the Moshi Moshi label.  It's a beautiful skirt, a dark grey, pleated on one side with the pleats fallling from just below hip level and gathered into a band at the hemline.  The other side is more draped with two big slouchy pockets.  It 100% silk twill and falls and flows so beautifully.  I also felt it lent itself rather nicely to a volume on volume look.

So I paired it with what is possibly my all time (for now at least) favourite top, the Metalicus Marlini Drape Top, my Rubi sandals and what is fast becoming my go to pendant, a sterling silver Bee on a leather strap.

Thanks for looking:)  And your feedback, suggestions etc all very much appreciated.


PS.  my title references a favourite band from the 80's.. anyone recall Visage??  To jog your memory  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMPC8QJF6sI


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WIW: Wide & Cropped + Hair Pics

Happy Weekend Everyone.

After a cool snap yesterday and a lot of rain, we are again experiencing the heat :)

Today for church I wore:

  • Cotton wider leg, but ever so slightly tapered, pants
  • Draped, sleeveless top
  • Block heels
I bought the pants recently after identifying a wardrobe hole for light flowy pants for holiday wear/home wear that I can do things around the house etc in..  They really are for casual wear but some how found themselves a little dressed up for church??  The top and shoes you have seen many times before.

And some snaps of my hair cut:)... for all angles:)  Special guest appearance by Master 11 who wanted to show you his hair also :)

Apologies for the pics, lots of mess on the floor.  I have a number of home reorganizing projects on the go at the moment.

Thanks for looking.
xxx Deborah


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WIW : Last Day @ Work.. for 3 weeks:)

Hi Fabbers,

Finished work today for three weeks.  Yahoo I am on holiday.

We have had a hot spell so I decided to give a new skirt its first outing.

The skirt is one of two things I bought (both were intentional purchases) from Sussan over the Christmas / New Year break.  I had been wanting to purchase 1 or 2 new skirts to replace a few older and poorer quality ones so was thrilled with I found this and a Metalicus one I am yet to show you.

Worn here with my Metalicus drape top.  The blacks show up quite different in the photo but IRL its barely noticeable.  Both are similar fabrication and his outfit felt really good.  I am considering the same again but swapping out the black top for my blood red one for an engagement dinner we are going to in Feb.

This is my new haircut!  After all the fuss, It's not that different really, only shorter.  I am not sure if you can tell but it is shorter at the front and there are more subtle layers throughout.  It feels fantastic and took very little time this morning.    I am going to have to experiment with styling products tho.  My stylist used some wax yesterday to create texture and that looked quite good. I will try and get some proper hair pics over the next couple of days.  In the meantime came across this Pin today and this is SO much like my hair cut only mine is a tad choppier in the layering. (#3)  I know... really nothing like Gennifer Goodwins afterall lol.  My hair is quite different to hers.

And I am already looking to the cooler weather and Autumn dressing and ordered these French Connection pants today (#2).  Caro kindly alerted me to them before Christmas and in assessing my wardrobe for the coming season a full length harem pant was something I have been wanting to add for a while.  I see them working well between casual and office and working nicely with a blazer.   My harem leggings are great but not wearing the best so they won't have a long life span and don't work as well if I want a more corporate version of me.

Thanks for looking:)
xxx Deborah


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