Hi Ladies,
On my boyfriend shorts post, Angie suggested I might in fact be heading more towards an elegant eclectic look.
Interestingly, yesterday I had been pouring over pictures of three women (outside of YLF) whose style really inspire me, and they are all quite different. Doing this I found myself questioning how I could be so attracted to such differing styles (though I do see similar elements).
The three women are
#1 Emmanuelle Alt
#2 Anna Wintour
#3 Oddessy Home (don't know her name)
In my mind, I would happily embrace the style of any of these three women, however in reality...
I don't have the height or the figure to truly pull off EA's long lean and slender silhouette. Her RATE look is so appealing but I can't leave the house without make up and doing my hair :)
Anna's look at times is a little "mature". She does the minimal maximal thing wearing strong patterns, accessorizing with her signature stacked necklaces yet I find many of her outfits still quite streamlined and very pleasing to the eye.
Perhaps if my lifestyle was different, I could see myself wearing Oddessyhome's wardrobe everyday (and in the past I have in fact worn many outfits not unlike some of hers) however it lacks variety on one level, is very minimal, is black :) and I don't think I would ever tire of it. It also has what I have always referred to as an 'alternate' vibe but perhaps Avant Garde is the correct term.
So the definition of 'eclectic' is 'a person who derives ideas, style or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources'.
Do you find yourself influenced or inspired by a broad or diverse range of styles?
Is is possible to pull all those influences together and create your own cohesive style?
And does "real life" dictate just how much we can 'commit' to a certain style?
I would love to know your thoughts if you have time to consider this.
Hope you are having a lovely weekend.
xxx Deborah