Your thoughts & prayers?

Hi Ladies

My mum was taken to hospital this morning.  My sister is with her and we don't know what is wrong at this stage.  She had seen a doctor yesterday who indicated she may have bronchitis, but this morning she was listless, disoriented, wouldn't take any food and later on recalled she either fainted or collapsed in the kitchen in the middle of the night. She must have come to and put herself back to bed!  Mum is 73 and lives in a unit attached to my sisters home so my sister was onto the situation pretty quickly this morning.

After xrays today her chest is clear but they are doing blood and other tests and keeping her in overnight.

I live 3 hours away and am just waiting on my sister to let me know what the doctor says and I may head to Melbourne tomorrow.  

 Apart from managing high blood pressure, Mum has been experienced good health.  

If you have a moment I would so appreciate your thoughts and prayers.

xxx Deborah

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  • Sal replied 9 years ago

    My thoughts and prayers are with you. It is so hard when you are far away. I hope tomorrow brings better news.

  • rachylou replied 9 years ago

    Your mum is in my prayers!

  • abc replied 9 years ago

    Definitely in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs to you as I am sure waiting for the results isn't easy especially from 3 hours away. Xoxo

  • Janet replied 9 years ago

    Sending prayers and good thoughts, Deb. I know how scary that is. I hope it's nothing major and she is better soon.

  • Style Fan replied 9 years ago

    Sending prayers and good thoughts.  You are in my thoughts today.

  • anne replied 9 years ago

    Of course Deb. Praying now.

  • Summer replied 9 years ago

    Thinking of you, Deborah, and hoping that the outcome will be good for your mum.  It's hard being so far away.

  • Word Lily replied 9 years ago

    Ohh, praying. So hard.

  • Maneera replied 9 years ago

    Thinking of you and your mother, Deb. I sincerely hope all goes well. I so understand the frustrations and limitations of living far from your parents, especially as they get older.

    Ankita and I worry ALOT, since our parents are by themselves, and so are the in-laws.

    The only piece of advice I can give you - do not neglect yourself. You don't know when you're going to get the call and need to leave at a moments notice, so make sure you eat and sleep on time. You're going to be of no help if you're tired and sickly from all that worrying yourself. Stay's all going to work out just just have to believe in that.

  • replied 9 years ago

    Of course I will keep you and your family on my thoughts and prayers, Deb. I hope they find out what's going on and are able to restore your mom to full health.

  • Angie replied 9 years ago

    Oh, Debs. I hope they get to the bottom of Mum's illness. Sending healing thoughts and much love. 

  • MTBGirl replied 9 years ago

    My thoughts and prayers are with you Deborah. I pray for a speedy solution and recovery. xo

  • replied 9 years ago

    Thinking of you....


  • replied 9 years ago

    Stay positive and strong.  Sending prayers and good thoughts your way.

  • Nebraskim replied 9 years ago

    Oh my. Hope things turn out well. Although she is not all that old, sometimes bladder infections present like this in older people. They don't get the classic pain and urinary urgency like we would get, but they get confused, feel crummy and collapse. I cannot tell you the number of times this occurred with my late MIL, my best friend's mother (and hers was initially diagnosed as some sort of dementia), my own mother, etc. Luckily it usually resolves quickly with antibiotics. I hope this is the case with your mother.

  • Lyn D. replied 9 years ago

    I am sorry to hear this Deborah!
    I do hope you have encouraging news today, I will be thinking of you x

  • Deborah replied 9 years ago

    So blessed by you all ;). I have spoken to mum on the phone this morning and she does not sound like herself at all. All we know is that her salt levels were practically non existent. I'm driving to Melbourne shortly to see her and speak to the doctor with my sister. It doesn't appear to be of a life threatening nature but we are concerned. Your thoughts and prayers are so deeply appreciated xxx

  • LACeleste replied 9 years ago

    Absolutely.  Sorry to read this news.  Glad things are more stable now.

  • catgirl replied 9 years ago

    I'm so sorry to hear this.  UTIs and dehydration are very common causes of issues at this age - hopefully it's nothing more serious.  Do keep us posted.

  • Gigi replied 9 years ago

    Prayers going up for you and your mum.

  • Beth Ann replied 9 years ago

    Blessings on you and your family, Deborah.  I'll be praying for you as I tidy up around the house tonight.  

  • Suz replied 9 years ago

    Deborah, my thoughts and heart are with you. I know what it is like to be hours away when a parent is in distress. Hoping that she is more comfortable soon and you have some answers. 

  • Eliza replied 9 years ago

    Sending healing thoughts to your mother, Deborah. It is tough when you aren't sure what is going on. Best to you and your family.

  • Inge replied 9 years ago

    How is your Mum feeling today, Deborah?

    I am sending lots of healing vibes and am thinking of you and your Mum. I'm glad you can go to Melbourne to speak with the doctor (and that you and your sister can support each other). Please keep us posted.


  • Mochi replied 9 years ago

    I'm keeping you all in my thoughts, Deb. Hugs. 

  • carolbee replied 9 years ago

    Hope your trip to Melbourne to visit your Mum has been positive and she is on the mend. Sending best wishes.

  • Ginkgo replied 9 years ago

    Hope your mum is on the mend.

  • lyn67 replied 9 years ago

    Hope your Mom is better now and healing, wishing you all the bests!

  • Deborah replied 9 years ago

    Ladies, thank you all so much!  Mum will be in hospital for at least the week.  Apparently it can take some time to raise her sodium levels.  We are still concerned tho.  We have noticed a difference in her speech and she not as 'with it'.  Stroke and other things have all been ruled out.  

  • Echo replied 9 years ago

    Your mum is in my thoughts, and I hope the dr.s are able to figure out what is the matter. This is such a stressful situation for you and the family, too, and I wish you strength.

  • Helen11 replied 9 years ago

    Thinking of you and praying that your mum is well again soon.

  • Angie replied 9 years ago

    I am sure your Mum is getting excellent care, Debs. One day at a time. 

  • Alassë replied 9 years ago

    My prayers as well, Deborah.

  • Sal replied 9 years ago

    My mother had very low sodium levels after an operation a couple of years back.  She had to stay in hospital an extra week on reduced fluids.  It did correct itself and she has not had a major recurrence.  Her bright side was that she could indulge in potato crisps- her favourite.

    She is in the best place, but it is hard.

  • jenanded replied 9 years ago

    Thinking of you all...,

  • Elizabeth P replied 9 years ago

    How are things going Deborah?  I have been very scarce on the forum of late and am just seeing this now.

  • columbine(erin) replied 9 years ago

    I'm just now seeing this, Deborah, I will pray and I hope your mom is feeling better by now.

  • TraceyLiz65 replied 9 years ago

    Just seeing this , hoping all is on the way to getting better. Saying prayers.

  • Deborah replied 9 years ago

    Ladies you are the best!

    Mum is going home tomorrow.  It was definitely low sodium caused by a change to her blood pressure medication.  The interesting thing is she has been off all blood pressure meds while in hospital and seems she wont be going back on the.  She has been on bp meds since I was 11!  They say she no longer needs it:)  

    We didn't think she would be home for another few days, so my sister is now running around so she can give mum's place a freshen up for her homecoming tomorrow.

    I know your thoughts and prayers made a difference.  Thank you xx

    Sally how funny.. my mum LOVES potato crisps lol

  • Lucy replied 9 years ago

    I'm late to this - but glad to hear your mum is recovering well. What a scare! Sending good thoughts to her, and also to you - take care of yourself too. 

  • Karie replied 9 years ago

    I know all too well how awful it is to be hours away when a loved one is ill. Your mother and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  • Summer replied 9 years ago

    Glad to hear that  your Mum is recovering, Deborah.  That must be such a relief.

  • viva replied 9 years ago

    So glad to hear Mum is headed home, Deborah. xxx

  • Isabel replied 9 years ago

    I am late but wanted to say that I am thinking of you and your family. 

  • SarahTheWhite replied 9 years ago

    So sorry I missed this, but glad to know she is doing much better! Wow, that was scary...

  • replied 9 years ago

    I'm late to this, but so very glad that the hospital got to the bottom of what was wrong with your dear mum. All the best to you both. x

  • Janet replied 9 years ago

    I'm glad she's feeling better and going home! Whew!

  • replied 9 years ago

    What a relief they were able to figure it out fast! I'm so glad to hear she's doing well.

  • Deborah replied 9 years ago

    Just popped back to thank you again.  Mum is home and sounds like herself again.  My sister is making sure she is eating properly and keeping a close eye on her.  I am planning to visit again next weekend.

  • Angie replied 9 years ago

    There is no place like home. Happy for your family, Debs. 

  • Runcarla replied 9 years ago

    Glad your mum is out of the woods, and bonus on being off the BP meds.

  • Suz replied 9 years ago

    So glad your mum is doing better, Deborah! That must be a huge relief. 

  • Theodora replied 9 years ago

    Wonderful news! Our Mums are precious. And she's way better without the blood pressure medicine? Go figure! Sending prayers and happy thoughts your way.

  • Helen11 replied 9 years ago

    That's great news. I hope you have a good visit this weekend, too.

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