WIW: AGM & Dinner

Hi Lovely Ladies,

We have our church AGM & Dinner tonight.

The congregation will be voting on whether to extend DH's (and other pastoral staff) contract for another 2 years. And I have been nominated for church council and that will be voted on tonight also:)

I was asked to assist and up the ante of this event, particularly in relation to the dinner, so we have catered the meal and set up the function room a little like a reception dinner and it's all a little more special than they have done before. So far so good:)

It's what I would describe as a smart casual event. So after discarding a couple of items that are feeling a little too firm, I settled on my black straight leg pants, new snake print tunic (Jacqui E for the Aussie girls), black open toe wedges and red clutch.

#2 is a pic of my accessories for your viewing pleasure :)

As always I really appreciate your thoughts, and suggestions, critique etc.

Have a fab weekend


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  • Lyn D. replied 11 years ago

    Oh, this is lovely Deborah!
    Are you wearing the two rings together? How unusual, and a great way to marry-in the gorgeous clutch too. If you haven't considered it and you aren't already, I would add some nail-polish on your toes in a neutral shade.
    Best of luck for your nomination and DH's contract, and I hope you have/had a great night.

  • Deborah replied 11 years ago

    Thanks Lyn:) you are right I do need a pedicure! I generally wear polish on my toes in the warmer weather but I haven't got to it yet:). I have a deep dark blue on my fingernails at the moment thou:) and that would have looked good on my toes but I'm at the dinner now :(. And yes i wear the rings together. They are "Elk" and are wooden. I bought them in Beechworth earlier this year. Is it warm in Melb? We've had a warming day here x

  • Lyn D. replied 11 years ago

    I would never have thought of wearing a ring like that- clever.
    No, the weather has been mild at best and not going to be any warmer in the next few days. It is nice, though, to be able to wear a long or 3/4 length sleeved blouse or tunic top like yours without needing to worry about an extra layer or being too hot- soon we will be complaining about the heat!!

  • anne replied 11 years ago

    A testing time. Hope's for a good result.

    A lovely outfit as usual

    It has been quite warm here - about 29. Felt hot in my unairconditioned car!

  • Ingunn replied 11 years ago

    You look so stylish and well put together, as always. I love the clutch and the jewelry with this. Good luck with the elections - my fingers are crossed for you!

  • Deborah replied 11 years ago

    Thanks Anne and Ingunn:)

    I'm actually at the meeting now! DH has been voted in for another 2 years which we are thrilled about:). And the church, as expected, elected an all male council! I had no expectation of being elected (we are quite new here) but I'm very disappointed that there is no female representation on Council... but this is another conversation all together:).

    Glad you like the outfit though xxx

  • Transcona Shannon replied 11 years ago

    This is a lovely outfit Deborah and really suits the occasion. It's dressy enough but not overly so. It's comfortable which makes it "approachable" (if that makes sense) and of course, you look gorgeous in your black/white/red ensembles.

    Congrats to DH and eventually, a woman will break into the Council!

  • Suz replied 11 years ago

    Deborah, congratulations to your husband! But I am disappointed on your behalf and on behalf of the Council for neglecting to include a woman. However, it won't be long before they will be so wowed by you that they see the light! Lovely outfit; looks like a perfect blend of comfort and a little dressy. The accessories are gorgeous.

  • Kristin L replied 11 years ago

    Your outfit looks great. Like the others have said , it look very smart and approachable. Good luck with the contract and church council!

  • merwoman replied 11 years ago

    Gorgeous outfit deborah - looks like you just walked out of the picture on the wall behind you :-). Love the break up of the black pallette with the snake skin blouse and accessories.
    Congrats to your husband and I'm sure that the 2 Ps (patience and perserverance) will garner you a seat on council.

  • lyn67 replied 11 years ago

    Congrats to your Hubby, and bet your outfit was the most appropiate and stylish there!:-)

  • Atlantia replied 11 years ago

    Congratulations to your husband.
    My eye is really loving the big red clutch. Such a trendy AND classic piece!

  • JR replied 11 years ago

    I've known a lot of pastors' wives (and been one, for that matter) and none of them ever dressed as well as you.

    Absolutely fabulous outfit.

  • Deborah replied 11 years ago

    Thanks so much ladies, particularly for your congrats to DH. I was actually a little relieved that I wasn't elected as I have mixed feelings about the workload it may bring but hopefully in future we will move forward and acknowledge the importance of having female representation. It's a pretty traditional environment in many ways:)

    I am thrilled you like the outfit. It is comfy and this is its second outing. I had my eye on it for a while and picked it up on sale two weeks ago:).

  • Lyn D. replied 11 years ago

    Good Morning Deborah. It is raining here so I am questioning my usual pre-breaky Sunday walk because my dog only reluctantly wears her stylish purple raincoat and will probably baulk at the front door!
    Sorry to hear about the election result, but of course you can continue to influence the Church in your role as Pastors' wife and enjoy your current amount of free time, precious as it is!

  • Beth Ann replied 11 years ago

    You look lovely, Deborah, relaxed and confident! For more casual events, this would look great with dark wash or colored denim.

    Congregational meetings are important, but they can be touchy. How wonderful that you created a more "special" event this year. You are braver than I. During these meetings, I would be as scarce as possible! Now, my DH has left the pastorate for a full-time Prof of New Testament position. I'll be posting for advice on dressing for church visits as we look for a new church family.

    Your church family is so fortunate to have you, and not only because you look great!

  • Jaime replied 11 years ago

    Congratulations to your family and I will not be surprised if one day you are the woman to break the barrier. I suspect you are the best woman for the job and no doubt you are the best dressed - you look fantastic!

  • Debbie replied 11 years ago

    Congratulations to your husband. I love your outfit!

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